Friday, November 27, 2009

Will You Help Me Feed One Million Children A Month

I had goosebumps all over.

We were having coffee at MJ's, a local restaurant, to discuss some business matters. During the course of the conversation my friend Glenn proceeded to tell me about a way I could help feed hungry children in some of the most destitute places of the world and build a residual income for myself in the process.

He had my attention.

I listened carefully because I believe that if I help enough other people get what they want then I will get what I want.

Here's what I saw as he explained what he had to show me.

  • There are millions of starving children who want food.
  • There are thousands of people who want another stream of income or residue income to pay off their debts, save for retirement, replace their income, stay at home with the kids, support a missions project, fund their way through school and many other financial goals
Someone is needed to stand between these two groups to help them find what they both need.

Enter Xango Goodness Meal Packs.

Glen went on to tell me that when Xango was started 7 years ago the founders determined right from the start that they would always donate a portion of their proceeds to fund childrens charities.

The company grew and continues to grow at a pace that exceeded everyone's expectations. With it grew the opportunity to donate larger sums of money to charities. However, they wanted to find a way for anyone to help a hungry child and in the process help themselves .

That desire gave birth to a revolutionary way to help both groups be winners. The hungry would be fed and the donors would be rewarded with residual income. It's a win-win situation. Today we know this plan as the Xango Goodness Meal Plan. You can see first hand how this concept works by clicking on the video below.

To see what goes into a meal pack click here.

I couldn't sleep that night. I was seeing the tremendous opportunity to serve the hungry children in many parts of the world and help many people I know who need additional income.
As I thought and prayed about the matter I was impressed with this one thought:


The thought seemed overwhelming at first but when I understood how it worked I realized it could actually be done!

Here's how it works:

It all begins with one person.

You purchase 35 highly nutritious meals which is a months supply for a hungry child.

The cost is $90.00 usd. which includes shipping, handling and all the complicated logistics to get the food to the children.

Here is where it begins to get interesting.

You invite 3 others to join you in this opportunity and they do the same thing (there is 9 now) and these 9 do the same things making it 27 and so on and so on.

Xango rewards a certain percentage to the donor for their effort to make this project successful. It's that or else pay huge dollars for advertising to get the word out. Either way there is a cost but this way you get the word out and you get rewarded for it.

Here's how it is structured: (Each person invites 3 others to join them in this opportunity)

1x3 donors = 3 children get food@100 ea = $300 @5% $15 /mo
3x3 donors= 9 @100= 900@5% = $45 =$60 cumulative/mo
9x3 donors= 27 @100= 2700@10% = $270 =$330 cu
27x3 donors= 81 @100= 8100@5% = $405 =$735 cu
81x3 donors= 243 @100= 24,300@5% = $1215 =$1950 cu
243x3 donors= 729 @100= 72900@5% = $3,645 =$5595 cu
729x3 donors= 2,187@100= 218,700@5% = $10,935 =$16,530 c
2,187x3 donors= 6,561 @100= 656,100@5% = $32,805 =$49,335
6,561x3donors= 19,683@100= 1,968,300@5%= $39,366=88,701

Plus a 3% global bonus at this level

That's pretty amazing! And the whole thing is based on having 3 other people join you in this opportunity. That's THE POWER OF THREE!

Take a look at the following video to see how net work giving exponentially explodes our impact in addressing the needs of world hunger and grow our own income.

I hope you'll be inspired as I am to help others and in that way help yourself. That's the only way to get ahead in life. It is always more blessed to give than to receive and in this case the receiving follows the giving.


Here's how.

Contact the person who directed you to this page.


Click here to go to the registration page. When you get there you may want to watch the short video. Then click on the meal pack immediately underneath the video and follow instructions.

Or you can call me at
204-326-4263 central time

I'm here to help you get started right away.

About Me

My photo
John was senior pastor at Christian Fellowship Church in Steinbach Manitoba Canada for 23 years. Currnetly he and his wife Anne are engaged in a full time ministry of marriage counseling and conducting seminars/conferences. They use dramatic skits, lecture and lots of humor to help couples learn how to build a great marriage. John earned his MDiv from Providence College and Seminary